Contribute to the Blog

The editorial team invites you to submit content to appear on the blog. A new series will begin to appear, entitled “Watershed Snapshots,” which you are welcome to contribute to (see below). We are interested in articles, sermons, liturgical pieces such as prayers or readings, reflections on watershed discipleship-related events, interviews, and stories about how you are involved in putting watershed discipleship into practice. We will consider pieces that reflect the triple entendre of watershed discipleship: the watershed moment of ecological crisis, learning how to be disciples of Jesus in our watersheds, and learning from our watersheds how to follow God more fully. Content should reflect an understanding and engagement with a range of justice issues, including environmental justice, race, class, gender, colonialism, and how these have impacted Christian faith and belief. The goal of the blog is to educate and encourage one another, to know we’re not alone in our work toward care for creation in this time and place, and to share resources so others can know where to begin.

Please email potential blog posts to, with the subject line “Watershed Discipleship Blog Submission.” Content should be in the range of 500-2000 words. Visual art, photography, and other audio/visual content is also welcome.

Watershed Snapshots

Tell us about your watershed! We want to share with each other about our watersheds, their histories, the activism going on now in our regions, and how place and faith interact as we engage in watershed care. Submit a brief synopsis of your watershed to share with the watershed discipleship network. If the following questions are helpful, you can answer them in the form of a Q&A or in paragraph form. Answer as few or as many as you would like, or add your own questions.

  • What watershed do you live in?
  • Who lived there prior to European colonization?
    • Do they still live there?
    • If you are collaborating or supporting work of the Indigenous folks in your region (or aware of it), you can describe that work.
  • What is unique or important about your watershed, region, or bioregion?
  • If there are practices you’ve learned from subsistence cultures in your region (historically or presently), what are they, and in what ways are they specific to your region?
  • What are some practical ways you try to live in partnership with the land, other people, and other species in your watershed in order to live sustainably?
  • How is climate change or industrial activity impacting your region’s environment?
  • In what ways are you (individually or as a community) attempting to adapt to or mitigate the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation and injustice in your region?
  • How is your faith or spirituality related to your concerns about care for the land?
  • How is your faith or spirituality specifically adapted to your place?
  • What spiritually sustaining practices are you developing or engaging in to help your community and yourself adapt to and meet the environmental challenges of this watershed moment?
  • We would also love to include a photo of you, your community, or your watershed discipleship activities, and/or a map of your watershed along with this information.